Sunday, January 22, 2006

Challenges of an Actor:

Michael J. Fox on Boston Legal

I just finished watching an episode of Boston Legal featuring Michael J. Fox, a very successful actor/entrepreneur with a life-threatening illness that plays second chair in a court trial. As most of us know, Michael has Parkinson’s disease and it had to be very hard for him to face the challenge of going back to work as an actor.

During the show, the following challenge statements were made by Michael:

The future holds increasing challenges.

If we were not faced with challenges, life could become dull and boring. Even though the future holds increasing challenges, they may not all be challenges that challenge our ability to find solutions that make our daily life better and more interesting. How much fun would it be if the future held decreasing challenges?

... challenged to make new discoveries.

If we don’t keep looking, we may not find answers. New discoveries lead to new solutions. The challenge is keep an open mind amid adversity.

We challenge them at every turn.

Our team against your team. Plan your work and work your plan, that’s a challenge in itself. Competition is a combination of defining challenges and responding to challenges.

Unless you are the lead elephant, the view is always the same. Challenge your competition and your customers will respond with orders.


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