Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Challenges In The News 05/06/08

LAUSD facing challenge of English at home, class. And it’s at the heart of a growing urgency at Los Angeles Unified School District that after more than 15 years of quiet awareness, more now needs to be done to meet the challenges faced by students whose native language is English.

Animal keepers responsible for the big cats have had their own challenges ... keeping the zoo’s four lions and four tigers entertained and challenged, mentally and physically. Every day, they come up with a new game, a new routine, a new toy that might amuse the cats one day, bore them the next.

In the 15 years that he has headed Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences, Roger Weaver has shepherded the Santa Monica campus from its origins as a funky, laid-back hippie school to its current status as one of the most respected and challenging prep schools in the nation.

Linquists say the question of why children born in the United States into families who haven’t spoken a foreign language for generations still struggle with standard English is at the heart of the challenge.
And we are challenged in developing an instructional program that is coherent and consistent throughout the district and includes the awareness of different needs of students.

We met a lot of challenges with the kind of unit that was available to us – there are canyon areas, mountainous areas, so we had a lot of sites that came back infeasible, and then there’s just nothing we can do.

Abortion foes challenge AIDS relief shift

The challenge is educating customers on the value of paying from $15.99 a pound for king salmon, on a recent day, up to $41.99 for fresh Chilean seabass.

His main challengers are a former union vice president, Becki Robinson, 60, and a current vice president, 56-year-old Linda Guthrie – who like Duffy, is fielding a slate of officers. Both challengers have high-level union leadership experience that predates Duffy’s.

The church was never meant to be contained within the four walls of the building. Faith was meant to be lived out in the streets, in the lives of real people facing real challenges.

I be you I spend as much or more outside of City Hall than I do inside. I really believe that the solutions to many of the challenges we face are actually rooted in communities.


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