Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Challenges In The News 07/01/08

The situation – and the tricky marketing challenge it poses for Time Warner’s New Line Cinema – reflects the fact that a lot has changed for Carrie Bradshaw and her friends since the original HBO series had its finale in 2004.

At the same time, the government is grappling with a number of challenges to sustain growth. Those include poor infrastructure that chokes the flow of people and goods and a shortage of skilled workers not impeding construction of much-needed hotels and office space.
Another challenge that advertisers face is the fact that the addition of a short series could lengthen the commercial break – and the big reason people began ignoring ads in the first place was because they felt they were too long.

Clearly, there are traffic challenges around America, and clearly we’re all sharing the same challenges and struggles.

McCain and Obama spar over Iraq: Each candidate challenges the other’s grasp of the situation.

Although the report noted that trans-racial adoption alone does not lead to maladjusted children, dark-skinned children in white families face a range of challenges – they struggle with self-esteem and a longing to fit in that federal policies disregard in favor of a relentlessly colorblind process. In making its case for thoughtful parental training, the report cites Sen. Barack Obama. Although he was not adopted, he has often noted the challenge of coming to terms with his identity after being raised in part by his white grandparents.

It’s not her job she hates; at her Silicon Valley company, she feels challenged and appreciated. She’s chafing at what every newly minted adult must face – the prospect of 40 years of 40-plus-hour weeks, no reprieve.

The new game, which retails for $90, offers more than 40 activities that challenge players in areas such as yoga, aerobics, strength training and balance. It comes with a motion sensor platform that resembles a large bathroom scale, which users stand on, and requires a Wii console to play.

Contest inspires few words. So it was only a matter of time before someone came up with a literary challenge: Write a short story in the maximum length of a Tweet.

Retirement Revolution – Baby Boomers face challenges in retirement planning.

So many people have moved in that getting them out in an emergency “is going to be a challenge”. We’re looking at different options. And we’re recognizing that we not be able to get everybody out of harm’s way.


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