Monday, September 08, 2008

Challenges In The News 09/08/08

It’s good that Johan Dennelind likes challenges. There will be a lot of that as the CEO leads DiGi.Com through a stuttering economy, a competitive industry and an entry into broadband.

AACHEN, GERMANY - June 25, 2008: A century after the Model T put the world on wheels, Ford is challenging five universities from around the world to dream big and create a Model T concept for the 21st century.

CARSON CITY -- Senate Majority Leader Bill Raggio, the dean of the Legislature, on Thursday became the latest of a growing number of Nevada politicians whose right to run for another term has been challenged.

With the dollar down and fuel prices up, U.S. airlines are fighting to stay afloat. But they're also fending off another challenge: increasingly powerful European rivals.

The challenge of productivity growth is the sole basis for the generation of food self-sufficiency. This cannot be avoided, it is the only route.

LITTLE ROCK (AP) - The state's highest court today ruled that people who oppose a recent millage increase in the Dollarway School District near Pine Bluff can still challenge the collection of property taxes.

Pro-gun groups filed a federal lawsuit Thursday challenging a long-standing Chicago handgun ban only hours after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to strike down a similar ban in the District of Columbia.

Getting children involved in something bigger than themselves can be a challenge, but Scouting leaders in Miami County accomplished that literally and figuratively on Sunday, July 6.

“Our camera crews follow around kids who are obese through school and at home. It shows how they meet challenges, shape up, lose weight, and get back on track. The winners are those who best succeed in making changes in their lives.”

The challenge in a down market, McHugh notes, is to stay with one’s convictions. “From a sentiment standpoint it always feels ugliest and hardest at these points in time.”

Mellow coastal enclave fed up with RV glut. “Where do these campers go?” he said. “Society has to find ways to put them in places that don’t criminalize them. It’s challenging not just for me, but for other cities and regions.”

It should be an argument among friends, who agree more than they disagree, each of us united in a cause larger than our individual interests, honestly debating the best means to serve that cause, and intent on finding some common ground upon which to overcome together the many challenges before us. To love one’s country is to love one’s countrymen.


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