Monday, January 09, 2006

Challenge In The News

Today, managing that ever-rising tide of information is a growing challenge. Microsoft Office has evolved. Now you can organize, prioritize and synthesize information like never before.
Information leads to knowledge. Understanding is the ability to explain. No matter how much you organize, prioritize and synthesize, it is a continual process to stay a step ahead of the next wave of information.

The Work-Life Balance Challenge for Women in Executive MBA Programs
Balancing work in life is a challenge and not just for women in Executive MBA Programs. In the ‘Always On Web’, work is 24/7/365 and doesn’t stop just because you’re not working. The priorities are: Family, Self and Business. The challenge is plan your work and work your plan.

“Roller coasters are a relief after dealing with the challenges of business. You just ride.” - Carole Sanderson, roller coaster affionado
That’s great for those of us that like the ups-and-downs of business. When you ride a roller coaster, who’s in control – you or the operator? There is no dealing with a challenge, just making it through the ride. What kind of business challenges do you face that riding a roller coaster (with its high speed and hard turns) is a relief?

We are experts in solving the essential challenges our customers face everyday: Infor – We know their business, speak their language and make promises we can keep. Our customers love us for it – and it shows.
Who determines what is essential and what is not? As an expert, you are expected to know what you are talking about. Who determines what is an essential or non-essential challenge? Be careful of making statements that sound great but may come back to bite you.

But going home for the holidays was always a challenge.
Too bad, going home to be with family and friends for the holidays was never a challenge for me. I did everything I could to keep up with the eating, talking, playing and present opening. The challenge was being in good enough shape to be able to return home with all the new stuff I got.

Scandals challenge the dogma that science roots out all its evils.
It has been a long time since I challenged anyone’s dogma; especially, scientific dogma. When people find out about a scandal, it definitely impacts credibility and challenges acceptance of your results.

Cultural Challenges
There is nothing like a cultural challenge; that is, to fit in wherever we are. People do not all think the same. By understanding other cultures we can experience life from a different perspective.

Florence Nightingale challenged army officers in Victorian England to secure permission for her nurses to staff an army hospital during World War I.
By doing so she brought about positive changes in sanitation, food and the way that injured soldiers were cared for. Her efforts demonstrated that nursing could have a powerful influence on both health care and health care policy.

The ultimate marketing challenge ... Brand Value
To get into the mind is a challenge and requires good storytelling – the reason you need our product or service. Branding value is priceless, even in a crowded market. Kleenex was a brand name that became with soft paper to blow your nose with (get me a Kleenex), Xerox with copies (Xerox this for me) and FedX with overnight deliveries (FedX this for me). First in the mind of the consumer is better than first to market with a high quality product.

... all of the new healing methods that are being discovered to help patients deal with their ever-growing list of health challenges.
A commitment to a healthy lifestyle is essential to preventing and minimizing health challenges. Health awareness is a challenge and takes time and energy, every day. New healing methods are being discovered because old methods are not solutions to new health challenges. If you don’t take care of yourself, someone else will have to do it for.

A summary of trends, challenges and opportunities will be discussed.
A summary should be presented, reviewed and then discussed. How can we discuss intelligently before we become aware? Trends bring new challenges, which when properly researched might lead to opportunity.


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