Monday, January 02, 2006

My Spirituality Challenge

I believe in God. My spiritual challenge is to follow the teachings in the Bible and apply the meaning to my life. I belong to a Christian Men’s Fellowship called Nathan’s Voice. We meet every Wednesday night and share together. We eat pizza (or chicken), check in with each member and read Bible verses to stimulate learning and understanding.

Following is a copy of what I prepared when requested to write about ‘What is Nathan’s Voice and what it means to me’.

What is Nathan’s Voice?

Nathan’s Voice is the name of our Men’s Bible Fellowship, a group of Church men with common goals of First Christian ‘Guidelines-For-Life-Enhancement’, as taught by Jesus and written in the Bible. Nathan’s Voice focuses on presenting a Bible verse for reference and discussion and then the personal interaction in real time life venue.

Nathan’s Voice is also a weekly social event for the men of the group, that builds individual, person-to-person and group bonding. In this aspect, Nathan’s Voice is also a Men’s Club. Participants can come to the Wednesday night meeting in the Youth Hut, starting at 7:00 PM, as they choose. The gathering always starts with hugs, a prayer and dinner.

What does Nathan’s Voice mean to me?

In the beginning, I was self-conscious about the name Nathan’s Voice, mostly because my name is Nathan. However, after participating actively, I have come to realize that I need to work on my ego, as it is not me, but Nathan The Prophet, from whose voice we gain wisdom and guidance.

Nathan’s Voice helps me to help myself, by dealing with trusted friends who are asking me to help them do the same in their lives, from a position of love and caring. By having the ability to share thoughts and feelings openly, broadly and honestly, without judgments or expectations, I experience enlightenment personally at each gathering.

Nathan’s Voice provides me with a ‘Safe Place’ to go weekly to share, learn and grow (spiritually, emotionally and mentally) with friends and comrades on the same road to Whole Life Enhancement.

Because of my direct involvement in Nathan’s Voice, I have a weekly opportunity to look at my life internally, consciously and objectively and to use the messages discussed and presented to help myself be the best husband, father, son, friend, partner, leader and whole-person, I can be.

What does Nathan’s Voice mean to me?

A lot. Love. Spirituality. God/Christ Teachings. Living life to the fullest. Having FUN (Feeling Unlimited Naturally).

So let it be said,
So let it be written,
So let it be done.

And it will be done,
So help me God.



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