Saturday, February 25, 2006

Challenge Statements In The News

The Real Challenge

1,065 days to go. Bush had to lean on Cheney to talk publicly about the gun accident, but the real challenge for the two is how to get the Administration back on track.

Bush’s challenge, and Cheney’s, is not that their enemies hate them, since it has been forever thus; it is that they are increasingly at odds with their friends.

Through the first term, Cheney’s dominion over foreign policy was unchallenged.

The Year Ahead Poses Challenges

Sure, the year ahead poses challenges. But it also holds great opportunity – if you know where to look.

Challenging a practice

Challenging a practice of withholding records to guard trade secrets.

Extremely Challenging Position

“They seem to be good people. They have don good things in their lives. But they certainly don’t bring any special expertise to what I consider to be an extremely challenging position.”


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