Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Challenge

Date: Thursday, April 07, 2005
By: Valorie Burton

What’s holding you back from your biggest dreams? Most will tell you, “I don’t have enough time … or money.” But the truth is that most people never reach their potential because of one persistent emotion: Fear. It isn’t a lack of skill or desire for most people. When it comes to improving your career or relationships or even losing weight, the majority of people know what to do, but they still don’t do it.

In 2003, a friend challenged me with a thought-provoking question as I pondered my vision for the future: What's Really Holding You Back?

The question left me stumped and intensely curious. I had a bigger vision for my future, and yet, I felt afraid to move to the next level and I was unsure of why. By practicing some “self-curiosity,” I figured out that it was a fear of rejection that I needed to overcome in order to move to the next level. By being honest about my fear, I was able to break through it.

I felt led to use my experience to pen my third book, What's Really Holding You Back? which was just released. I realized that there are so many others that are stuck – perhaps it’s not a fear of rejection for you. It may be fear of failure or commitment, or feeling you aren’t good enough to fully realize your vision. Everyday fears create a serious gap in most people’s lives.

Here are a few of the most common ways that these fears manifest:

* Staying in a job you don’t like even when you really want to make a change
* Settling for a relationship that is less than you deserve
* Earning less than you are worth and not doing anything about it
* Making excuses or blaming others for why you cannot live your best life
* Trying to change others
* Not being yourself
* Downsizing your dreams
* Continually creating more debt without a plan for eliminating it

Through the effective use of four key elements of your life – your thoughts, words, actions and energy – I have created biblically-based solutions in my latest book for breaking free from what really holds you back.

Let me share a few with you here:


Everything in life begins with a thought –from the job you have to the relationships in your life. You cannot necessarily control the thoughts that enter your mind, but you can choose which ones to focus on. Refuse to allow distractions, self-doubt or negative people to keep you from the things that matter most to you.


Negative thoughts often become words. This can be detrimental to your vision. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. Be careful about what you say about yourself to others – and to yourself. There are simple, powerful ways to use your words to bring your vision to life.


You are not stuck unless you choose to be stuck. Being stuck is often a result of a vicious cycle of fear that keeps you from taking action. When you don’t take action, you often don’t see results – and thus, your negative thoughts about your potential for success are confirmed. Take steps forward – even if they are small steps. Consistent action creates momentum.


Remember that your journey is a spiritual one. Nourish your spirit consistently by connecting with God, taking time for yourself, and setting boundaries that protect you from allowing your energy to be drained by clutter, negative circumstances, and negative people. You can think the right things, say the right things and take the right actions, but if your spirit is weary, you will not be able to persevere long enough to bring your vision to fruition.

If it’s time to uncover and overcome any obstacles that have held you back from something more in your relationships, career, finances, health or spiritual life, make a decision this week to move forward. You can do it. As I discovered when I uncovered that a fear of rejection was holding me back, you always have a choice to change.

Order or pick up a copy of What's Really Holding You Back? this week. It is available in bookstores nationwide and through online retailers. Signed copies are available at and will be shipped Priority Mail within 24 hours. You may find that working through the book with friends or loved ones provides you with valuable support on your journey!

My challenge to you this week:

Face your fear. Be willing to take a step forward in an area that you have previously felt stuck.

Journaling question:
Ask yourself, “What’s really holding me back?” Honestly explore your answer.

Until next time …Warm wishes,Valorie


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