Sunday, February 17, 2008

Challenges in the news - 02/17/2008

Putin’s increasingly assertive foreign policy, seen as a challenge to U.S. global dominance, is a source of national pride. They point to the Kremlin’s heavy use of state-controlled media, harassment of opposition parties and rules that shut out challengers.

If you’d like to challenge us with a forgotten time, call now. (KRTH)

A new U.S. intelligence report concluded that Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program in 2003 – a reversal of findings issued two years ago – and underscored the challenges facing the intelligence community.

Assimilation challenges stereotypes

GM challenges students to think green under the hood.

Surprising Richmond faces mighty challenge.

‘Time is right, cause is just’. History and challenge in Israeli-Palestinian handshake.

Sirius, IX radio eager for ruling on merger plans. Justice could make antitrust challenge.

Victor in Australia Inherits Challenges. Rudd’s top tests: Inflation worries, future of U.S. ties. Mr. Rudd’s center-left government, which on Saturday unseated the longstanding conservative administration of John Howard – a staunch ally of President Bush – also inherits some challenges.

Seeing Socrates as a victim of censorship, as we do today, is to miss the point of his radical challenge to settled ideas. Imagine a small fraction of current day intellectual elites dethroning canonized figures in our own history, such as Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. or drumming up doubt about America’s revered precepts, such as the separation of powers or the right to vote. Tolerating such challenges – even for citizens of a pluralistic republic like ours – could prove daunting.

Niederauer’s First Challenge: NYSE Floor Traders’ Future. The floor challenges are the most immediate for the new CEO, who will also look to navigate global exchange consolidation while increasing NYSE’s overseas and derivatives businesses. With so many trades handled electronically now, the traditional specialist is all but obsolete.


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