Sunday, March 02, 2008

Challenge Marketing News 03/02/08

While it’s tempting for a challenged brand to emulate the likes of Google, Apple or Starbucks, doing so can seem audacious at best, delusional at worst.

Our July 23 Cover Story of BusinessWeek, “Can China Be Fixed?” posed a provocative question. The article went beyond China’s flashy facade and examined the enormous challenges confronting the country on its path to becoming a modern industrial power.

Coming into vogue. Wines from new and emerging winemaking regions present both opportunity and challenge.

Morgan developed a lesson that challenges students to design a chamber for growing plants on the moon. She is taking 10 million basil seeds into space. NASA will send the seeds to teachers who request them for experiments.

The new carrier got a taste of the challenges other airlines face when its first flight out of Kennedy Airport was delayed because of the severe storms that hit New York on Wednesday morning.

Nonstop challenges in early May can make you feel like a Survivor contestant.

McEnroe was challenging.

Romney is like a carnival charlatan selling snake oil. He accomodates his beliefs to the situation at hand for his own advancement. And it he cannot figure out that the Mormon church is a cult branch of traditional Christianity, how would he handle the complex challenges he would encounter as President and Commander in Chief?

Insurers selling equity-indexed annuities are starting to face challenges from securities regulators as well.

A look at some of the more challenging issues:

Today the place pulses with purpose: hallways are bursting with murals math games and word challenges, as if every square inch of the school were devoted to instruction.


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