Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Conquering Her Challenges

Weight Loss Challenge Success Story:
Stay at Home Mom

Amy overcomes medical adversity to lose 33 pounds* on NutriSystem!

Amy went from a size 12 to a size 2 in only 11 weeks!*

Hi, I'm Amy, a 35-year-old stay-at-home mom living in Georgia, and this is my weight-loss story.

We were totally unprepared for the birth of our daughter Courtney. Her room was not set up, we had no crib - we really had nothing for her. Talk about stress! Worse, starting with her birth in January, my family had to deal with a multitude of medical problems. Shortly after giving birth, I was experiencing pain in my leg-which the doctors discovered was a blood clot. It was traveling fast, and settled behind my knee. Later, the doctors found that I'd had another blood clot in the placenta, which had caused an abruption and resulted in my emergency C-section. Because of all this, I was unable to even stand up straight for the next 5 weeks and was told by my doctors to not do anything for 8 to 10 weeks. Plus, since she was a preemie and was born with a small hole in her heart, my daughter remained in the hospital for a month. So we were very stressed out worrying about her, and I was forced into inactivity because of my medical problems-which resulted in eating. And more eating.

But then things continued to get worse. About six weeks after my C-section, I hurt my back lifting a small box. That kept me down even longer: it was so hard for me to walk or do much of anything (the one thing I did manage to do was continue eat and eat), and I was in pain for the next 3 months. It was only about a week after this latest setback that we faced another challenge: my husband had throat surgery. After Brad's surgery, he was unable to speak for a week and during the second week he was able to talk 5 minutes per hour. The third week was better: he could talk about 15 minutes per hour.

So here we were, caring for a premature baby, while I could barely walk and Brad could barely talk! What a great team we made! To top it off, at around the same time, the doctors informed me I had a blood disorder, which had caused the blood clots. Everything had happened very close together. It was all too much. I had already been suffering from post-partum depression. Deeper depression followed.

I again turned to food. After these chaotic 12 weeks, I weighed 15 pounds more than when I was pregnant and my maternity clothes were too small! Being so heavy for my frame (I'm only 5'4"), I was in such great pain all of the time. In fact, I had gained so much weight that I developed stress fractures in both feet! (Just another excuse to not leave the house.)

So I was overweight and in constant pain, and I never left the house except for never-ending trips to doctors' appointments. I was in such a deep depression. The only thing that would comfort me was FOOD.

After dropping 33 pounds* on NutriSystem, Amy finds it much easier to play with her daughter Courtney.

I was so angry with myself, but did not know what to do (she was probably malnourished and magnesium deficient from all the empty calories). Because of all that had happened, I was unable to do much. My anger and frustration just grew as my weight went up. I tried to eat well and walk 2 times a week. I could walk, but it would take me 3 days to recover. Plus, I had to buy inserts and bigger tennis shoes to deal with the fractures. I was determined to do something to exercise. I did this for about 6 weeks and lost only 3 pounds! That just wasn't worth it.

Finally in June, Brad (who was beyond supportive) and I were watching television when a commercial came on for NutriSystem. Brad asked me what I thought. He then said to think about it and if I wanted to try NutriSystem, he would pay for it. We ordered it right away.

My biggest challenge was in the beginning. I am a sugar addict! The first day was so hard. But by the fifth day, I had no cravings. And after the first week on NutriSystem, I was walking every day with no pain! I finally felt good! I then began to walk with Courtney two times a day, 2_ miles each time. Because I felt so much better, I could get up, get dressed (sort of) and get out of the house (even if it was just to push the stroller).

By the end of my first month on NutriSystem, I had lost over 14 lbs.*! Having that kind of success kept me on track. I had EVERY excuse to not eat right or to not be active-I was (and still am) always pushed for time. But with NutriSystem, everything was just too easy: it was easy to prepare the meals, easy to store them (I traveled and packed them to go), and easy to eat them (they're very tasty). I had no more excuses.

Because of NutriSystem, my life has turned around. My friends and family watched me go from size 12 to a size 2 in 11 weeks, and I feel like me again! I am much more comfortable in life. My clothes don't cut into me, and I can move easier. I can breathe! I also feel good; therefore, I am able to enjoy life and my new family! I can play with Courtney, who is now almost 11 months. I can be the person I knew was under there somewhere. I still get a few "WOW"s!

It really helped that my friends and family were so supportive during my weight loss. Brad would leave me cut fruit in containers, and when I visited my in-laws, they had cottage cheese, salads and yogurt for me! Everyone seemed to understand that losing weight was one of the most difficult things people face. So although there were so many temptations, I stayed on track. And they were in awe when they saw me losing 33 lbs.* In fact, four of my friends started NutriSystem after the first month I was on it.

My regimen now is simple. I walk. I eat right. That's it. Before NutriSystem, I did not know what that REALLY meant. I had no idea what a true portion was. This was my very first diet - ever!

Losing weight can be hard. But being heavy is hard, too. It is painful, uncomfortable and frustrating. When you don't feel good, nothing is good. But once you set your mind to this program and you start seeing the results, it is so encouraging.

I am healthy and happy. The depression and frustration are gone and that helps so much. I have learned control, portion size, will power, and the power of water. It is a lifestyle and a choice. I want to be the best person I can possibly be for those around me and for myself. You can, too, on NutriSystem.

- Amy


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